Tuesday 23 April 2013

Beauty clues

Beauty is the pride of a woman's goal,i believe every woman is beautiful, if one has the access to the essesntial
remedies to lighten our outward beauty...

  First, a woman should know about her personal hygeine.
if a woman is dirty,she becomes gross and and unkept.. washing of the face regularly with water,applying a face
cream also plays a wonderful rola of personal hygeine

  Secondly,a woman should know that little make ups lightens the face.
if in a sunny and dry weather,a light make up like powder,eye liner,and lip gloss should be added so
that the face glycerine would circulate and make a perfect beauty and a smooth face.

  Thirdly, a woman should know what to apply after each make up everyday,after a stressful and boring day, the
face should be taken care of,because our face needs to rest to,washing the face with luke warm water,and applyng
the face mask is essesntial.now the question every woman is asking is "what can i use to mask my face?"
the face has its own food and without its own  food it gets malnourished and begins to flake.using milk.raw milk
is a very good way to get rid of make up remains in the face and its a good way of masking the face.

  Fourthly, a woman should always drink water every 2 hours.
if water is important to the health in general,then water plays its own part in the skin.

  Fifth thing a woman should know is Egg has something for each skin.the egg white plays wonders to alltypes of
skin.the oily skin and the dry skin.while the yolk woeks for dry skin.
 Sixth thing a woman should also know is that sleeping is a good access to beauty.without resting a woman is
likely to have wrinkles and acne. having atleast 7hours of sleep everyday is a good path to beauty.

  Seventh thing a woman should know is that good food is a healthy region of living.vitamin c is a source to
beautiful face and healthy skin.fruits after evening meal is a great idea.

  Now the last thing that makes a true beauty is a womans wonderful smile.i define smile in a wonderful way
s:smart woman
M:merciful woman
I:Intelligent woman
L:loving woman
E:elegant woman

 Those are my beauty remedies for you all today,i am Dr vanesa. pls like my page on facebook on https://www.facebook.com/BeautyTipsToKeepYourDayGoing?ref=hl

and also follow me on twitter http//:twitter.com/@cuttievanesa
you could also mail me for daily beauty and fashion tips on veeigmotivation@gmail.com.

                                                                                have a wonderful day :)

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