Friday 26 April 2013

Cellulite Breakdown

Cellulite is the accumulation of fat cells which have become "trapped" under the skin in the collagen and elastin fibres. The resulting lumpy "orange peel" effect is unattractive.
When you eat less food the body automatically draws on its own reserves of fat for fuel. On a low calorie diet, the fat will come off, but the cellulite bulges will remain. They do not burn up like ordinary fat.

What is Cellulite?

The average woman has more subcutaneous fat cells than the average man. These fat cells are most commonly located in the lower part of the body and it is believed that female hormones are the main cause.
Other factors which may contribute to the formation of cellulite include: too many rich foods, an excess of tobacco and alcohol and poor blood circulation. It may also be hereditary.
Whatever the actual cause in individual sufferers, the result is that fat cells are effectively trapped, and locked up in the collagen and elastin fibres. The local circulation is often slowed and the nerve endings may become compressed and tender.
All this leads to the embarrassing so called "orange peel" effect which so many women regard as very unsightly. Cellulite is, in essence, imprisoned fat and cannot be eliminated by diet and/or exercise alone. You may lose weight but the cellulite will remain.

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