Monday 24 June 2013

Quitting Smoking Was Easy

If you think quitting smoking the easy way is impossible, you've been lied to. It's not the only lie you've been told.

Cravings are a myth. Weight gain is a myth. Stress is a myth. These are all rumors and figments of your imagination.

Are these lies? Yes, just like the tobacco industry lied to you to get you hooked. They made you believe that smoking cigarettes is a natural and pleasurable thing to do. You remember those days - you saw the ads, you watched movie idols lighting up, you watched 'grown ups' inhale and smile with satisfaction, and you thought it was cool, mature. It was the thing to do.

Fact is, smoking is not natural. That's why when you first started smoking, your body tried everything to block that damaging smoke from entering your lungs. You coughed, you gagged, you might have felt dizzy. Today you still cough, perhaps gag through fits of coughing to get rid of the tar and nicotine that's blocking your airway.

You've heard these lies too:

"Nicotine is addictive." A great crutch to stay hooked, but not exactly true. Surprised? Actually, it is addictive, but it's not as addictive as you've been led to believe. It's not so much the nicotine that you're addicted to. It's other ingredients that have been added to the tobacco to make you crave more. Another way the Industry has deceived you.

"It's hard to quit." "You'll never quit." "I can't quit." Not true. Not true. Not true.

Your only restrictions are what you believe. Belief can make things easy and simple. This is true.

If you think quitting is hard and you'll never quit, then you won't. This is true.

If you believe quitting smoking the easy way is a myth, you would be wrong. It is possible. And it is easy. Quitting smoking the easy way is very possible. In fact, you can quit smoking in a short three weeks without cravings, patches, gum, pills, excessive exercise or special diets.

Your first challenge is to make yourself believe it's possible - that there is an easy way to quitting. Smoking doesn't have to rule your life, and quitting smoking doesn't have to be difficult or take a long time.

Want the best tip on quitting smoking?

Make yourself believe you can quit. It all starts with your mindset. Believe you can quit and you will succeed.

Don't focus on the negatives of quitting smoking. They are only as important as you make them. Rather, focus on the positives of quitting. Need a refresher?

Easier breathing
Better tasting food
Clearer complexion
Fresh smelling clothes, home and car
More energy
Clearer mind

And there are other benefits you might not have considered but that are common among people who have succeeded in quitting smoking.

Uplifted feeling
Improved self esteem
Regain control over your life
Feeling happier

And, of course, no more hassles from your loved ones about your smoking and what it's doing to your health. No more restrictions regarding your habit. Want more benefits of quitting smoking?

Reduced chance of developing cancer
Reduced chance of heart problems
Reduced or eliminated chance of developing emphysema

If you're still not convinced, consider this. Damage already done can be reversed if you quit smoking now. Within the first year of your quitting smoking the easy way, 50% of the damage will be repaired regardless of how long you've been smoking. If you wait, however, more damage will be caused and the harder it will be for your body to recover. In fact, if you continue to smoke you can cause so much damage to your body that it will be too late. Once cancer is established, once heart disease sets in, it's extremely difficult to recover. The treatment itself can be unbearable. And don't think that it's already too late. You are probably wrong so why continue your risky behavior? Convinced yet?

Consider this. If you don't quit, it's all but guaranteed you will develop a life-threatening disease. It is proven that 90% of lung cancer occurs in people who have smoked. And today's research shows that second-hand smoke does, in fact, cause lung cancer in non-smokers. Do you want to put your family and friends at risk?

Also consider that after 15 years of not smoking, your risk of heart disease drops to the level of people who have never smoked.

What are you waiting for? Quitting smoking the easy way has never been... easier!

Here's an excellent program that has a proven track record with a 90% success rate. Developed by a 2-pack-a-day man who quit smoking after 39 years, it's guarantee is unbeatable. Quit smoking, guaranteed, or get a refund.

Oh. And those myths I told you above earlier - cravings, weight gain, stress - really are myths with this program.

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