Friday 21 June 2013


1.Set a start day. Choose a day to stop biting your nails. Also,try on Monday saying, " My thumb is off limits today." That whole day, don't bite your thumbnails . On Tuesday do this with a different finger and on

2.Visualize yourself with strong,healthy nails, and how great they will look. It may help to get a manicure as you start off your nail biting-free days, so that you actually have great nails to look at.

3.Try painting your nails a bright color so you can notice when you're biting them. Alternatively, buffer your nails and/or paint them in a nice light color or clear nail polish. You might feel bad to bite them.You could also try getting your nails professionally manicured.

4.Chew something. Chewing gum helps focus your mouth on something other than your nails.

5.Eat calcium and magnesium rich foods so that your nails will repair and grow well. Not only that, but most of the reason that the human body wants to bite nails is a lack of calcium and magnesium in the body. The body needs that material back.

6.Push your cuticles back. Many nail-biters do not have "moons" on the base of their fingernails because their cuticles have not been pushed back. To do this, gently push your cuticles towards your finger to reveal more of your nail. This is easier to do after a shower when your hands and nails are wet. This makes the nail appear longer, and it gives a more attractive shape, which might also be a motivation to stop biting.

7.Find a habit to take the place of nail biting. Whenever you have the urge to bite, do that instead. Some people like to drum their fingers, twiddle their thumbs, clasp their hands, put their hands in their pockets, or just stare at their hands. Just make sure it's not a bad habit; choose a helpful one or one that doesn't really matter either way.

8.Distract your mouth. Eat carrot sticks to keep you busy. Keep a stick of gum handy for those weak moments.

9.Distract your hands by taking up a hobby. A hobby to distract your hands might be making models or maintaining your house, knitting or crochet, running or other outside pursuits, or even nail care and decoration. For those whose nail biting is obsessive/compulsive it may help to approach your hobby obsessively. Carry a rubber band, penny, or something else to hold in your hands. Play with that constantly in place of biting your nails

10.Cover your artificial nails.For guys, polish them and apply some shine/growth promoter or petroleum jelly. It's harder to bite nails that are looking great. Black nail polish is great for this use to prevent you from biting your nails, as it looks really nice when maintained, and will make you want to keep them perfect, because black nail polish looks very bad when chipped.

11.Keep gloves in your back pocket and wear them when you want to bite.

12.Show off your improved nails, and get much-needed encouragement and praise from your peers.

13.Be proud of your improving nails. They will shine with beauty.

14.Go for a manicure, and chat with the manicurist about having great nails.

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